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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Basil propagation experiment

This slip of Basil is about 3 weeks old. It is about 10 inches tall now. I planted this as a fresh cutting  about 4 inches high. If you measure down with your eye from the top about 4 inches this is what I initially planted. At the same time I put a slip from the same plant and about the same size in water to root. This cutting began to root but the leaves died before the root system was the customary the right size to plant. I planted the this cutting in very rich soil and watered it once a day to keep it fairly moist..It grew without hesitation and never showed any signs of wilt.
Today I cut the new plant about mid way just before the new growth leaves.
Red line shows the cutting point.

Now we will cross our fingers and hope for the best for this little guy.

Submitted by Carl B.