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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Gardening Tips and Tricks to enjoying your garden in the Philippines

Pechay is just one Philippine vegetable grown in the home garden.

Philippine cooking relies on a variety of exotic vegetables paired with more commonplace vegetable varieties. Paliya or bitter melon is eaten with meat and other vegetables. Pechay or pak choi, which is a mild flavored cabbage, is served in stews and soups. Sitaw, a type of long string bean, and Talong, a type of eggplant, are commonly eaten with meat, fish and other vegetables. Other Philippine vegetables include squash, taro, sweet potatoes, spinach and white radish. Start growing Philippine vegetables by obtaining seeds or starter plants.


Choose a location for the garden in an area with at least eight hours of direct sunlight. Many Philippine vegetables like full sun exposure like talong (Solanum melongena), which grows best in temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The soil must have good drainage. Flat areas are best, but vegetables survive well on sloping areas if the rows run across the slope to reduce rain runoff and soil erosion.
Dig up the soil to the depth of 12 to 18 inches with a shovel. Break up dirt clods with a garden hoe. Do not work the soil while it is wet. Add a 2- to 4-inch layer of organic material like compost or well-rotted manure to the soil. Work it into the top 6 to 12 inches and rake the surface smooth.
Plant the seeds and starter plants in the prepared soil. Locate tall or trellised vegetable varieties on the north side of the garden so the shade these plants cast falls outside the planting area. Both bitter melon (Mormodica charantia) and sitaw (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis) grow best on supports like trellises or fences. Use the recommended spacing on the packages for each vegetable variety. For example, the ideal spacing for sitaw or yard-long beans is 6 to 12 inches apart with rows 4 to 5 feet apart.
Water the garden whenever the soil starts to dry out. Do not let the soil become bone dry or stay too waterlogged. Water the garden in the morning so the leaves have time to dry out before evening. Water the soil deeply to encourage the development of strong roots, which helps the vegetables withstand drought conditions.
Spread mulch around the seedling when they are a couple of inches tall. This reduces moisture evaporation from the soil and weed growth. Use clean organic mulch, which gives the plants a source of slow-release nutrients.
Weed around the vegetables so the plants do not have to compete for moisture and nutrients. Hand pull or chop down with a hoe before the weeds develop seeds. Without the spread of weed seeds, the weed population falls.
Examine the vegetable plants for garden pest infestations. Many Philippine vegetables belong to the tomato and cucumber family, which are favorite foods of garden pests. Hand pick any large bugs like cucumber beetles and drop them into a jar of soapy water to drown. Spray smaller pests like aphids off with a strong jet of water. Release beneficial insects, which eat garden pests, in the infested area.
Pick the vegetables as they become ripe. Sitaw takes only nine days to go from flower to harvestable bean. Talong fruit can be picked when small or mature-sized. Harvesting most vegetables encourages the plant to make more vegetables. Once root crops are harvested, they are done for the season. Some Philippine vegetables can be reseeded for a continuous harvest for most of the year in a mild winter area.

Clean up the summer garden by removing plant debris. Most of the odd and ends left over compost well, but do not compost vegetation infected by plant disease or infested with pests. In the fall after harvest, plant the cool weather crops like pechay (Brassica rapa var chinensis). Plant these crops in full sunlight with wind protection.
Don't get discouraged..Just keep trying

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